
Privacy & Policy

Privacy Policy

We at Reading With Shreya ("we" or "Reading With Shreya") take the confidentiality of the user you provide us very seriously. We prepared this privacy policy to demonstrate our dedication to privacy. Please read this carefully to understand how we manage all information you provide us at Reading With Shreya.

You are currently accessing the website www.readingwithshreya.com, which is owned and administered by Reading With Shreya and will be referred to as "the website" from here on. The privacy of site users and customers is essential to the company. This is why Reading With Shreya has created a Privacy Statement. It is our written guarantee to you that your privacy will always be one of our top priorities. This privacy statement controls the website's privacy policy in the following categories:

  •   Members, users, and site visitors who visit Reading With Shreya but do not conduct any activity or make any transactions.
  •   Site visitors and potential customers who formally register on this site to conduct business with Reading With Shreya on this website in the future.
  •   Site visitors who use the services made available to site visitors and customers.

Types Of Personally Identifiable Information


"Personally Identifiable Information" refers to information or data that may be used to identify the contact, communicate with, or trace the individual to whom the data belong. Among them are:

  •   Your Name
  •   Your physical postal or mailing address
  •   Phone number or mobile number
  •   Your e-mail address or addresses
  •   Your government-issued identity number
  •   Your data, such as bank and credit card information
  •   Your Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail login and password information, if you choose to use your Facebook, Twitter, or Gmail to connect to our website; and any other information we feel can assist us in identifying you.

Information obtained anonymously is not considered "personally identifiable information." It also excludes broad demographic information obtained from site visitors or clients without identifying them.

  •   Reading With Shreya only gathers the following information from consumers who are able and willing to do business with us:
  •   Name
  •   Address
  •   E-mail Address
  •   Phone Number
  •   Country
  •   Gender
  •   Date Of Birth
  •   Credit Card Information when you place a purchase for our services on our website
  •   Bank information when you place an order for our services on our website.

Important Note

Although we collect personal financial information about you on our websites, such as your credit card number, debit card number, or bank account number, we never have access to, collect, or archive this information because it is collected directly by the financial institution like payment gateways authorized to process your credit or debit card.

The following information is only required if you opt to use our astrological services:

  •   Name
  •   Address
  •   E-mail Address
  •   Phone Number
  •   Country
  •   Gender
  •   Date Of Birth
  •   No personally identifying information (PII) or data is ever gathered from site users who visit the website just to evaluate its content and resources.
  •   The major reason for gathering personally identifiable information is to do business. Never will personal information be sold, transferred, or traded with a third party. Customers are required to disclose this personally identifiable information to Reading With Shreya only after reading and comprehending the Terms of Use, Contract Statements, and other necessary information available on this website. It is fully disclosed to the administrators of this website.
  •   All site users' basic NPII (Non-personally identifying information) is gathered in an automated manner and includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  •   Method of access to the website
  •   Amount of time spent on the website in minutes
  •   Search engine or Internet directory used to access the website
  •   This website is linked to external web pages
  •   Landing and exit pages of the site used by visitors and customers
  •   Information about visitors' and customers' locations
  •   The time zone and local time of site visitors and customers

Personally Identifiable Information Archival

Customers' and site visitors' personal information is kept in a highly secure environment. This information is only accessible to authorized entities. The website has implemented several reducing practices and techniques to assure that personal information is not abused, transferred, or sent without our knowledge and agreement. We take care to maintain your confidentiality and privacy as the custodian of your personal information.

Changes to the Reading With Shreya privacy statement

If we feel the need to change or amend our privacy policy statement, we will issue a notification on this website. However, if the update or modification requires the disclosure of personally identifiable information (PII) previously covered by this privacy statement, such information will not be shared without your prior consent. Please keep in mind that if you leave our website and navigate to another website via a link, the privacy policies of that website, not ours, will govern your full rights to access that website. Express your concerns or for clarification, please use the feedback form or the contact form on the contact us page or you can reach us at readingwithshreya.com

Safety and Security

On our website, we DO NOT gather any payment information. Third-party payment gateways gather and handle it in a safe manner. We adhere to relevant established criteria, technical safeguards, and administrative safeguards to protect information and use of your submitted information. You should be aware, however, that neither we nor any other website can completely remove all risk.

Links to other websites

Links to other websites may be found on our website. Reading With Shreya is not responsible for the privacy violations of third-party websites.

Please feel free to reach us at readingwithshreya.com